Social Media Marketing - Pinterest
pinterest marketing strategyPinterest, often referred to as the virtual bulletin board of the internet, has been a popular social media platform for quite a long time. On Pinterest, users can explore, share, and store visual content. As of this year, Pinterest has a total of 433 million monthly active users worldwide. Although Pinterest isn’t as popular as other social media applications like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, it is still the 14th largest social media platform in the world and outranks both Twitter and Reddit. A lot of people view Pinterest as more of a personal website, but it can actually be great for business as well.
Pinterest has quite the impressive advertising reach, with each advertisement on the application potentially being seen by 200.8 million users. Pinterest statistics have shown that 80% of people who use Pinterest weekly have discovered a new product or brand on the social media platform. Pinterest is also quite popular with women, seeing as over 60% of their global audience falls within that category- although, as of 2021 it has become more popular with both men and Generation Z. In addition, 45% of individuals in the United States that have a household income over $100,000 annually are on Pinterest, making this social media application a great place to find new customers with disposable income to spend.
How do you use Pinterest to market your business?
To start marketing on Pinterest, you first need to come up with a social media marketing strategy. Once you have established clear goals and specific strategies to achieve them, you are ready to start marketing on Pinterest. Pinterest is a highly visual platform, so in order to effectively use it for marketing, you must produce high-quality and engaging visual content. You want users to “Pin” your content, so it’s important to understand how to make a captivating Pin. Since 82% of Pinterest users browse on mobile devices, a good marketing strategy is to use a 2:3 aspect ratio for imagery so that you can avoid awkwardly cropped content. Another good marketing idea is to use a text overlay that reinforces your visual message. When creating Pins, the most essential part is to be consistent. By consistently posting high-quality content, your content will be pushed to a larger audience.
Even though Pinterest is an image-sharing platform, you should still try and mix up your Pin formats by dabbling in video and carousel (multiple images) posts. Another great way to engage with Pinterest users is to tap into the DIY side of the social media platform. 85% of people come to Pinterest to get ideas for a new project, so providing step-by-step instructions for DIY projects can help get your business a lot more engagement. Navigating Pinterest marketing isn’t always the easiest and requires a lot of time, which can be very overwhelming for someone who isn’t an expert in social media digital marketing. If you are looking to hire a social media marketing expert, give NetLZ a call at (973) 599-1000 for a free marketing strategy consultation.
Why Pinterest Marketing?
Pinterest marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach an audience that’s actively searching for inspiration and planning future purchases. Unlike other social platforms, Pinterest users are often in a discovery mindset, which means they are open to exploring new products and ideas. By leveraging Pinterest’s visually-driven content, businesses can showcase their products or services in an engaging way, driving traffic to their website and increasing brand awareness. Additionally, Pinterest’s unique search and recommendation algorithm ensures that your content is seen by people with relevant interests, making it an effective platform for targeting a niche audience and nurturing long-term customer engagement.