
Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed how we create content. Users have casually played with ChatGPT, Jasper.ai, Bing AI, and Bard since their release, utilizing them to complete various tasks with astonishing ease and speed.

ChatGPT, for example, can answer questions, write long-form articles, and write code. This demonstrates AI technology’s potential as a powerful content-creation tool. However, what does AI-generated content imply for search engine optimization (SEO)? Google will lay the record straight on AI-generated content in February 2023. The world’s largest search engine explained that it is more concerned with content quality than with how it is produced.

Does this mean that companies can utilize AI content authoring tools without fear of being penalized? In this article, we will look at what AI produced content is, how to recognize it, how AI affects SEO, and how to ensure your SEO AI material adheres to Google’s people-first criteria.

What is AI Generated Content?

Any media product created by algorithms based on artificial intelligence is referred to as AI-generated content. This technology has grown fast in recent years, resulting in powerful tools capable of producing comprehensive and innovative information in a variety of formats. These algorithms use natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning approaches to recognize context, generate unique content, and adapt to the end-user’s specific demands. As a result, AI-generated content is becoming more common in a variety of industries, speeding content creation processes and providing a cost-effective alternative to human labor.

The adaptability of AI-generated content can be seen in its many uses, which include everything from blog entries and site material to emails and social media posts. Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence, for example, may construct blog titles, outlines, and introductions, as well as craft interesting social media captions and blurbs. Furthermore, AI-generated material is not restricted to text-based formats; it can also be used to generate video descriptions and script outlines. AI-generated content has altered the way businesses, marketers, and individuals approach content creation by comprehending the intricacies of human language and harnessing the power of data-driven insights. This technology is still evolving, opening the way for more sophisticated and tailored content that matches the demands of a constantly changing digital landscape.

Is Google Against AI Generated Content?

When implemented effectively, an AI content generator such as Chat-GPT may produce informative content that attracts readers and performs well in search results. It is important to note, however, that AI content authoring tools can be both beneficial and detrimental. AI material, for example, might be used to manipulate search engine rankings, which clearly breaches Google’s regulations.

It may also affect the quality of online information. Brands may easily employ an AI content generator to generate spammy and unrelated articles in order to target keywords and rank higher in search results. As a result, Google has created guidelines for websites that use AI-powered content creation tools. Google’s ranking strategy, according to their official guide, focuses on rewarding original, high-quality material that demonstrates E-E-A-T: expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Whether content is created by a human copywriter, an AI content generator, or a combination of the two, brands that want to win in Google search should prioritize providing creative, trustworthy, and people-first content. To summarize, Google is not anti-AI. Instead, it’s anti-content geared toward search engines. It will not automatically penalize AI-generated material if it is well-written, has a human-like tone, and satisfies the needs of its target audience.

Understanding Google’s “Helpful Content Update”

Google is always working to make high-quality content more easily accessible to its users. In August 2022, Google introduced it’s “Helpful Content Update,” which was designed to reward websites with content written by humans for humans and penalize content that is written specifically for search engines. When Google is evaluating content, it looks at various factors, including the quality of writing, the structure and organization of the content, the presence of useful resources like images and videos, and the overall user experience.

You can determine whether or not your content meets Google’s new helpful content guidelines by asking yourself a few questions. For example, do you rely heavily on an automation software to create your content? Are you making content about trending topics rather than subjects that matter to your target audience? Do you often use clickbait headings and subheadings? Asking yourself these types of questions can help you determine whether or not your content strategy will be successful on Google.

How to Use AI Generated Content for SEO

Now that you understand Google’s new AI-generated content standards, let’s look at how you can optimize your AI-generated content for SEO.

  1. Develop high-quality material

The first step is to develop high-quality material that users will find useful. This means that you must guarantee that the content provided by AI is accurate, relevant, and useful. You should also make certain that your material is well-written and error-free.

  1. State that the content was created using AI

As previously said, it is critical to indicate that your material was created using AI. This can be accomplished by putting a clear disclaimer at the beginning of your article.

  1. Provide details on the AI system that was used

You should also include details on the AI system that created the content. This information can be provided in your content’s disclaimer or in a distinct section of your website that explains how your AI system operates.

  1. Make use of keyword-heavy titles and subheadings

Use keyword-rich titles and subheadings to help your content rank better on Google. This helps Google understand what your content is about and helps your content rank well for relevant search queries.

  1. Use visual aids

Visual aids like diagrams and photos can help make your material more interesting and understandable. Include a diagram in markdown mermaid syntax that explains how your AI system generates content, if possible.

  1. Advertise your content

Once you’ve created high-quality AI-generated content, you must advertise it. Share your content on social media, contact industry influencers, and think about running sponsored advertising to get your content in front of your target audience.
